Wednesday, May 15, 2013


(Another non-Lena character sketch)

Kelrythis spat in the dirt and exhaled her cigar smoke in the waning light of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.  The rolling plains seemed to wobble before her eyes, but that was probably just the liquor.  Forcing a yawn, she lifted a hand to her jaw, checking, as always, for broken bones or dislocations, luckily finding none.  She'd be bruised tomorrow, but, she thought, it was almost worth it.  Her plate boots were heavy when she started trudging back up the long stairway.  That temper of hers was really going to get her in trouble someday.  If it wasn't the temper, it would be... well, everything else.

Approaching the door of the Golden Lantern, she wonder what on Azeroth she was doing in Pandaria.  She had no agenda here, but Shadows had all but relocated.  Personally, she'd rather be settled into her usual barstool in the Blue Recluse.  Or maybe even spectating in the new Brawler's Pub.  She was sure she could do better than some of the 'talent' she'd seen there. She leaned against the doorjamb and let her eyes follow the paths of those milling around inside the tavern.  One thing she did like about Pandaria was the readily available supply of good beer.  Those Pandaren might be odd creatures that were a little too touchy-feely for her, but the knew their booze, and they were happy to share.

Kel took a restorative breath and dove back in, swiping a pint from a passing barmaid and taking a large gulp as she kept her eyes on the destination.  Along the far wall, a figure sat alone at a table for two, hands clasped around a pint.  Such a pretty little thing, Kel thought to herself.  She shouldn't be alone.  Her lips curled in a wicked smile as she took another gulp, draining the mug, and reached for another.

The rotund Pandaren bartender gave her a sharp, disapproving look as he wiped down the counters and sorted glasses and mugs, but didn't intervene this time.  She'd done her time, taken her time out, and now she was rightfully back in the bar.  All she had to show for her troubles was a bruised cheek.

Her eyes darted around, landing on various women, and her eyes shone.  Pandaria, at least, brought out the beautiful people.  She started making her way through the crowded space toward the lonely girl at the table, but a very intoxicated Kaldorei woman caught her arm.  Kel didn't mind the night elves - they had their moments.  Many of them could be quite attractive, if you were into that... pale... bouncy... thing they did.  But Kel's eyes were on the prize tonight - the girl at the table was a draenei, like herself.  Some might call her xenophobic, but growing up and growing old in a body like hers for all these millennia, really made her want to observe another draenei woman's figure.  See how she moved, watch her hips sway, tease her tail - even downright silly things, like play with her hair.  Kel's lip curled at the pang of femininity she expressed to herself, quickly squashing it, drowning it in another deep drink of her beer.

Mostly, she just loved watching them.  But feeling them move under her, at the touch of her fingers or her lips was also a pretty good feeling.

Shadows ranks consisted of so many women, but Kel knew better than to shit where she ate, and besides, most of them didn't really know, or want to know, about her predilections for women.  The men would leer and drool inappropriately, and the women would probably avoid her, so she didn't talk about it.  It wasn't unusual for draenei to remain single for long periods.  Who wanted to settle down for eternity when there were so many options, so many new ones every day?  Kel toasted herself at that thought and downed another beer.

Kel sauntered close to the table, attempting to swing her hips to the music the Pandaren band was playing and be casual, surreptitiously glancing at the girl, who was staring into her mug.  She didn't look sad, necessarily, just a little lost.  Uncomfortable.  There was a story there, and Kel intended to find out.  Plopping down in the chair across from her, Kel sat down her mug with a heavy hand, the girl raising her eyes, startled.

"Hell of a night, isn't it?"  Kel gave the girl a grin, baring her teeth.  Probably a little over-exuberant, she thought, as the girl leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.  Sometimes, you can tell.  Sometimes, the fun part is finding out.  You never know what you might find out if you go for it.

And Kel was going for it.

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