Sunday, July 28, 2013


Lena clenched her fists by her sides, trying to control her trembling as she stood in Arloth's personal space, daring the warrior to make a move.

"It was a different kind of Sha, Lena!" the Field Marshal hissed.  She leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest protectively, eyes narrowed and glaring at Arloth, "So that's supposed to make it less of a concern?"  They had both been possessed, minds twisted.  Arloth had lost his connection to the Light.  Lena's long-term effects were yet to be seen, having only been back a short while.

Lena's eyes darted over his shoulder at the small group of Shadows members, ostensibly fetching water on Arloth's command, hopeful that they were out of earshot.   Satisfied that they were, Lena took a step closer to the imposing warrior, her face turned up to his, hissing back at him, "No matter what kinds of Sha they are, we cannot ignore the fact that Sha ARE infiltrating our ranks.  And going straight for our order's leadership.  That cannot be disputed.  Who is next?  Nhadiya?  Would you risk your mate, your unborn child?  Something must be done!"  Lena stamped a hoof in frustration.  She'd had plenty of time to think about such things, write about such things, worry about such things.

Arloth blanched, the color draining from his stern face as he took a step back.  The plate helm he held in his hand crinkled in his fist, then made a dull thunk as he threw it to the ground.  His right hoof completed the flattening of the helmet as he glared at Lena, speechless for a moment, then growling, "I'm going to bed.  If anyone wakes me and is not Nhadiya, they should expect decapitation."  With that, he turned abruptly and stalked off toward his tent, set away from the others.

Lena stood in shock for a moment, shrinking and shaking  uncertainly as she watched the Field Marshal's retreating form.  Arloth was at risk.  He had always been a little wild, but losing his connection with the Light worried Lena.  The once-righteous Vindicator was gone, a wrathful warrior in his place.   What would replace Lena?  Would her magic be affected?  She stepped over to the well where the others waited nervously, putting on a warm smile and welcoming them back to the fire.  As she settled near its warmth again, she stared at the flames, lost in thought.  She clutched her mug of tea tightly, trying to appear normal, trying to listen to the conversations around her.

The Alliance and the Horde were still at odds.  There were rumors of a Horde civil war brewing.  Lena sighed to herself and stared down into her tea.

The Sha were still a risk.

One she wasn't willing to take any longer.

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